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New Engine Building Equipment

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Pro Ultrasonics 6030 LT

With Lift Table

Cleaning Tank 60" x 30" x 26" deep

240 Gallon capacity

Pro Ultrasonics 4230

*New Unit*

Cleaning Tank: 42" x 30" x 18" deep

120 gallons

Pro Ultrasonics 3624

*Brand New Unit*

Cleaning Tank: 36" x 24" x 14" deep

Capacity 65 Gallons

Pro Ultrasonics 3216

*Brand New*

Cleaning Tank: 32" x 16" 14" deep

31 Gallon Capacity

Rottler H85AXY

CNC Automatic Vertical Honing Machine with Hole-to-Hole Automation and Optional Block Roll Over

Special Version High Production Machine that can move

automatically in both X and Y axis for automatic honing

Rottler H85AX

CNC Automatic Vertical Honing Machine with Hole-to-Hole Automation

Special Version Production Machine that can move

automatically in X axis for programmable hole-to-hole

Rottler H85A

CNC Automatic Vertical Honing Machine

Automatic Lower Crash Protection System

Axe SW-2044 Spraywasher *NewProduct*

"the 20 slim"

Perfect for Automotive and Diesel heads
44" inside Height Capacity
20" Diameter Turntable





General Information and Specifications
For Fentech HP-11 Bench Press


BHJ Honing Plates (Torque Plates)

BHJ manufactures Honing Plates (Torque Plates) to fit more than 400 engine applications in all sizes, from single-cylinder to V-12s and is recogniz