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Resurfacing Machines

We Ship Worldwide!
We Take MasterCard & Visa!

Surfacer Jack and holddowns *BRAND NEW*


Toeclamp hold down set $195
Jack Set $275 (includes 1 jack and 4 jack screws)
Brand new stuff from Italy

Peterson / Comec 300/900 CBN Resurfacer

35 inch length capacity

includes head and block fixturing
13 inch diameter CBN milling head
power column
220 volt 3 phase

Kansas Instruments RG1234 Belt Resurfacer

12 x 34 inch Platen

220 volt 3 phase
Includes 3 good belts

DCM Tech HB-5400 CBN Resurfacer

54" Length Capacity !!!

220 volt 3 phase
Power column
Variable speed traverse
CBN Milling Head

Original Grinding Hubs for Resurfacers


If you need an original grinding hub for your resurfacer, we have 100 of them to choose from !!

Storm Vulcan 85B Variable Speed Kit


110 volt
Installs in 2 hours

CBN Milling Hub for R8 Bridgeport style machines

8.5 inch diameter

includes tool holder and CBN milling insert