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Resurfacing Machines

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Hauskins J500 75" travel Surfacer


18" CBN wheel
75" travel
DRO on Z axis
Variable speed traverse
spare lead screw and nuts for Z axis

Rottler SF1 CBN PCD head & block surfacer


Rottler SF1 CBN PCD head surfacer includes Rottler dual axis table manifold tooling and inline block tooling.

Storm Vulcan 85EL Head & Block Resurfacer


Very nice table top !!
Head and block fixturing

Lempco 545 Resurfacer


220 volt 3 phase

DCM Tech HB5400 CBN Resurfacer


54" Length capacity
220 volt 3 phase
Very Nice machine !!!

DCM Tech HB-5400 CBN Resurfacer

54" Length Capacity !!!

220 volt 3 phase
Power column
Variable speed traverse

Lempco 545-BL Resurfacer


220 volt 3 phase

Scledum RT17PA CBN Head and Block mill


has New 15 inch Jamison CBN hub and Touch down Indicator hydraulic traverse variable feed, power column, will surface a 45 inch long block or head

Storm Vulcan 85B *Rebuilt* Surfacer


Selling for a customer
He had it rebuilt
Nice paint job !!
Variable speed
reground table top

Berco SPY360 Resurfacer


14 inch CBN milling head
220 volt 3 phase
47 inch length capacity