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Block Boring and Honing Machines

Drive head rotates down to the side and LINEHONES blocks also !!!
Variable speed - hydraulic drive motor
Friction feed cylinder hone head uses AN style hone stones
220 volt single phase
Line hone mandrels sold separately !!!

Block Boring and Honing Machines

220 volt single phase
bottom portion of machine blasted and repainted
Lots of tooling included - you WILL have to buy some abrasives
Wired to test , have recent video of it operating (sold as is)
Have forklift to load
located near Chicago Illinios

Multi-Purpose Head & Block Machines

220 volt 3 phase
works good !
30 Taper in one boring spindle
Includes custom CBN milling head

Valve Guide & Seat Machines

includes tooling shown
220 volt 3 phase

Valve Guide & Seat Machines

Rottler SG80A seat and guide machine well tooled and has latest operating system.
In proper working order.
Has tooling for ISX C15 Cat DD15, 60 Series Detroit Diesel small Ford ,Cummins ,Duramax.
Can be tooled for Waukesha White Natural Gas engines

Automotive Machine Shop Equipment

Sunnen CHV-31 Cylinder Hone / Linehone COMBO


Drive head rotates down to the side and LINEHONES blocks also !!!
Variable speed - hydraulic drive motor

Rottler HP-6A Honing Machine *Diamond Abrasives*

Auto shut off to size

220 volt single phase
bottom portion of machine blasted and repainted

Winona Van Norman VB-160 Bore Mill


220 volt 3 phase
works good !
30 Taper in one boring spindle
Includes custom CBN milling head

Winona Van Norman CMC30 Valve Guide & Seat Machine


includes tooling shown
220 volt 3 phase

Rottler SG80A seat and guide machine


Rottler SG80A seat and guide machine well tooled and has latest operating system.
In proper working order.