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Connecting Rod Equipment

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Sunnen CRH-50 Rod Heater


115 volt
both sides heat up
switches are NOT perfect

Tobin Arp PM-19000 rod bore machine


This machine is doubled up on some tooling , expanding mandrel blades and extra control panel for parts.

Sunnen BP-10 Rod Press


set up with a foot switch

Sunnen 1699 Rod Hone

with AG300 gage

115 volt

Peterson RHM700 Diamond / Auto shut off Rod Hone


includes mandrels and diamond abrasives
Arnold Guage Rod measuring tool

Sunnen 1299 Rod Hone


115 volt



For a limited time we will be offering $100 off SUNNEN CR-2700 Mandrels
We have over 20 of them and cant fit any more on the rack

Sunnen LBB-1299 Sunnen Rod Hone Cabinet


Mandrels and AG-300 Gage available here - SOLD Separately

110 volt