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Connecting Rod Equipment

We Ship Worldwide!
We Take MasterCard & Visa!

Sunnen BP-10 Rod Press


set up with a foot switch

SUNNEN CRH-50 Rod Heater


tested and checks out !!!
heats up HOT
120 volt
UPS WILL ruin this - We ship these in a little crate or you pick up

Sunnen 1699 Rod Hone

with AG300 gage

115 volt

Peterson RHM700 Diamond / Auto shut off Rod Hone


includes mandrels and diamond abrasives
Arnold Guage Rod measuring tool

Sunnen 1299 Rod Hone


115 volt

Delta XHD6200 Precision Cap Grinder


Delta XHD6200 Precision Cap Grinder used for connecting rod and main caps. Machine has original stone and has not been used much at all.



For a limited time we will be offering $100 off SUNNEN CR-2700 Mandrels
We have over 20 of them and cant fit any more on the rack

Sunnen SRT 2530 PA4X Diamond rod honing mandrel


Sunnen SRT 2530 PA4X Diamond rod honing mandrel with Rings and Alignment bushing with range of 2.50 to 3.10 inches used in Sunnen ML and EC hones.

Sunnen SRT 2000 PA4X Diamond rod honing mandrel


Sunnen SRT 2000 PA4X Diamond rod honing mandrel with Rings and Alignment bushing with range of 1.97 to 2.57 inches used in Sunnen ML and EC hones.